Sunday, August 14, 2011

15 minute craft: Twine + Tea Canister

Tonight I was in a crafty kind of mood. I finally made a list of all the projects I have planned and WOW. I was just itching to get started. I adore making pretty things and crafting. Always have. And now that I'm starting to get settled into a routine, I finally have the time to create. I've been working on 2 projects for about a month now off-and-on. One should be done within the next 2 weeks and the other I'm only planning on finishing in a year. So it felt very satisfying to finish this twine-wrapped tea canister in only 10 minutes!

All I used was a tea canister, twine, hot glue, scissors and an old rice box to catch glue drips. I was inspired by Centsational Girl's gorgeous rope bowl. Isn't it awesome? So with the bowl in my mind, I decided to wrap an old tea canister in cotton twine that I had already. The cost of this DIY was about $10 for the glue gun & sticks. That's it! It's a pretty straightforward, but if you have any questions, feel free to ask.

Here's the canister in all it's naked glory before the "makeover":

See? Even the canister doesn't want to be thrown away. 

A little dab of glue at the top to start it off.

Wrap. Wrap. Wrap. I put a very very small dab of glue about every 5-10 wraps around. Make sure you keep wrapping really tight so that the design underneath is fully covered. Don't worry about making it perfect....

 And.... done.

I really like the texture of the twine with the smooth metal.

I tested it out as a makeup pad holder. Not bad.

Or I could always tie a ribbon around it, fill it with tea and give it as a gift. But, I've offered it up to D so who knows what he'll end up storing in it. Pennies? Chocolate chips? Dog treats?

Hope you all had a lovely weekend.

xo Janelle

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