Thursday, May 16, 2013

stop chasing, start choosing.

Made this on Tuesday, inspired by Paul Dalton's quote from the article below.

On Tuesday night I read a Tiny Buddha article exploring the idea of being authentically happy. Part of the article really resonated with me and I wanted to share.

I really like the word authentic. While genuine is usually used in reference to an image or expression we show to others, authentic seems to imply more of a connection with oneself. It's a bit more reflective. And as a classic neurotic over-thinker, I'm comfortable with reflection. I can understand it.

#2 in Paul Dalton's list of how to be more authentically happy starts off with a bit of a Freudian ego/id complex and then goes into something I've been struggling with lately - wanting things. I've spent a large chunk of time mindlessly and compulsively clicking through F21 and Victoria's Secret, making summer wardrobe wish lists and quietly coveting bloggers' new purses or dresses. And yet when my eyes are pulled from the glowing screen to the growing pile of clothes on the floor I can't help but imagine how much lighter I would feel if I just gave it all away.

Okay, definitely not all of it - but a lot of it. At this point, I think my thought processes, values and beliefs lean a bit toward minimalism, but my actions and behaviours for the most part do not. In other words, I'm not exactly living with congruity.

I'm hoping to make a few gradual changes over the next little while and will keep you posted on the progress. I hesitate to follow any specific challenges or rules, like "give away 100 things" or "wear only 30 items of clothing for 30 days". Instead, I'm going to take inventory of what I have, what I need and what I would like. More importantly, instead of being stressed by mess and clutter, I want my apartment to be cozy, welcoming, relaxing and to encourage creativity.

This may seem a little vague, but the truth is I am just beginning to explore this idea. While I don't see myself becoming a true minimalist anytime soon - I want to want less.

And this time, i
nstead of wishing, hoping and waiting. I'm going to try changing. Step one is to pare down.

Would you ever try minimalist living or living with less? If anyone has any useful resources for moderate minimalism, I would love to see them - blogs, books, websites... I'm open to suggestions.

Thanks so much for reading,
xx Janelle


  1. Not a bad idea. I feel like I would be happier if I had less, but sometimes I feel I'd be happier if I had more... What is a girl to do? hahah
    Great post though, really thought provoking!

    Making It Sparkle

    1. Thanks Val! I feel the same sometimes about having more - especially with regards to clothes. But then the cycle repeats itself. Buy more, temporary happiness, want more, buy more... It's tough!

  2. Love your image, and writing, and the idea in general! :)

  3. Great post - this is something that has been on my mind lately too. I think its hard to find balance, but I want to try. And I love your picture!

  4. Love your picture! I think the trick is finding a happy medium!

    1. You're right. It's all about what works for you/your family. Definitely not one size fits all.

  5. Beautiful post. I think it is human nature to always look ahead. To want more, to want to be the best... but what we really need to do (even though it doesn't come naturally) is to appreciate what we have and enjoy where we are... because really, it's pretty great.

  6. Stop chasing, start choosing.... awesome words to live by! As a mom, it's easy to forget. Thanks for the great words of advice.

  7. Hi Janelle! I just found you via your comment on The Fresh Exchange and I just wanted to tell you how much I love this post. My husband teases me about always wanting to donate everything or throw it out. He's like, "Seriously. Our kid was just playing with that toy five minutes ago." I've got so much stuff I want to get rid of and I'm thinking that this summer is a good time to start. It's so freeing.

    1. Thanks so much for your comment, Melanie. Your husband's comment made me laugh. It's true though, I just feel lighter when I give away junk/old clothes.


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment. Your little notes always make my day!